Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Resources Committee

Meeting to be held 29 March 2023


ICT Plan 2022-2027

(Appendix 1 refers)


Contact for further information DCFO Steve Healey – Director of Strategy and Planning

Tel: 01772 866802


Executive summary and recommendations

Executive Summary

The ICT Plan (attached as appendix 1) details how we will support the Data and Digital Strategy, which underpins the business strategies that form the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) 2022-27.


Data and Digital information are essential for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS); they are vital for improving fire response, prevention and protection services to the public. A huge amount of what LFRS does depends on the effective use of data and information.


We will consider best practice guidelines from central Government together with other partner agency collaborations wherever possible. We will also look to align ourselves with established and accepted best practices and working patterns from across the technology sector.



Members are asked to note and endorse the ICT Plan that will help to enable delivery of elements of the 5 key strategies that underpin the CRMP 2022-2027.




Through key objectives set within the ICT Plan, we aim to support the creation of a positive, inclusive culture that encourages innovation and continuous improvement.


Achieving the right culture will enable us to deliver the best services and be an outstanding fire and rescue service for our communities and visitors.


The ICT Plan has been crafted to underpin the Data and Digital Strategy which in turn supports critical elements of the business strategies that form the CRMP and will be an enabler for many of the key objectives set out within each.



To help achieve this, the focus will be on ensuring that:


§  Our workforce can make effective use of technology to communicate, safely store and share information;

§  Our workforce can work effectively from anywhere using the most appropriate device for their role, intrinsically increasing our efficiency;

§  Our workforce has easy access to data and intelligence relevant to their role and that the information is current to help increase safety and reduce risk;

§  Our workforce is digitally engaged in the organisation and champion a digital first culture;

§  Our technology solutions are secure, but still allow our workforce to work effectively and efficiently.


Business risk

Delivery of key elements of the ICT Plan are critical enablers for many of the objectives set out in the business strategies that underpin the CRMP, which is produced in line with National Framework guidance issued by central government.


Environmental impact

The focus throughout the ICT Plan to ensure product sets are kept up to date and in line with security best practices that are highlighted by the National Cyber Security Centre. We will ensure retired hardware is either appropriately re-purposed or recycled alongside WEEE guidelines. We will also ensure the objectives set out in the Digital Strategy are supported to reduce printing and paper consumption wherever possible.


Equality and diversity implications

The ICT Plan allows for accommodating digital products that are accessible to all employees and the wider community in line with government accessibility standards. Equality Impact Assessments will be undertaken where appropriate to ensure that any solutions intrinsically consider all users.


HR implications

Any potential for temporary increases to establishment in order to enable or accelerate critical elements of the strategy will be undertaken within guidance and policy frameworks. Any significant implications will be brought before Resources Committee for full disclosure and proper consideration.


Financial implications

No abnormal expenditure is anticipated to fall outside of capital programme plans or existing departmental budgets.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers




Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A